• In a typical session, we’ll do a brief check-in consisting of a grounding exercise and a debrief on events since the last session, including progress on goals. We’ll discuss your emotions and thoughts, and explore areas of pain and desired growth. To close, we’ll discuss updates to goals, review homework, and then discuss next steps. We’ll discuss relevant new skills, talk through any questions, and prepare your for your next round of transformation.

    With most clients, we will specifically work on: distress tolerance, stress management, impulse control, cognitive distortions, challenging negative thinking patters, and improving communication skills to increase joy in relationships

  • I integrate an eclectic mix of approaches based on individual client needs.

    My style is best described as a mindfulness-informed solutions-focused cognitive-behavioral approach integrated with somatic awareness.

    I am an active participant in our session, authentic in my presence, and will always hold you with unconditional positive regard and unyielding belief in your ability to access your highest quality of life.

    I see myself as a guide, not a guru. I don’t have your answers, in fact, I believe you already have them, and my role is to help you uncover your own path and the confidence to walk it. I will only very rarely ever answer a direct question, and I pretty much never give advice. I encourage deep thinking and sensemaking of the complex world we all walk in.

    I will often ask challenging questions, and always aim to have you feel like “got something” from each of our sessions together. I generally assign “homework” in between sessions to boost effectiveness of our times together and shorten to overall treatment time.

    To hit a target, you have to know what you’re aiming for. And to get where your going, it helps to know where you’ve been.

  • There is no straightforward answer to this question, but my goal is to have you as a client for months, not years. We will use a variety of self-discovery techniques to empower you with a foundation to continue your own journey of growth.

    The goal is to arm your with a variety of problem solving skills and tools to bolster your confidence in your ability to handle any problem you may face.

  • I believe that mental wellness is rooted in a sense of agency, and that self-empowerment comes from self-knowledge, so we will utilize a variety of tools and approaches to increase that knowledge in support of greater agency and authentic expression in your life.

    This work is an eclectic mix of the cerebral and the somatic, aiming to heal the division between the body and the mind. I blend modern evidence-based practices with wisdom traditions to help you get more of what you want in life and less of what is weighing you down.

    I borrow from a wide and diverse range of modalities and traditions. Some of the frameworks I borrow from include Mindfulness-Based practices, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Somatics and body awareness, Attachment theory, Psychodynamic theory, Family Systems and Constellations, the Enneagram, the Ikigai, Non-Violent Communication (NVC), and a wide variety of other modalities.

  • I specialize in depression, anxiety, and relationship issues. I love working with individuals and couples to help overcome the beliefs that limit them and accessing a full and authentic expression of self.

    I love exploring efficient routes to increased engagement and personal empowerment, leading to greater capacity for satisfaction with life. I have a framework comprised of a variety of tools and modalities to help you hone in on your most available and impactful areas of growth.

    I have experience working with anger management, emotional regulation, personality disorders, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, loneliness, social difficulties, complex trauma, family complexities, adoption, neurodiverse issues, adolescent development, and working with “the masculine shadow”.

    I am well-versed in a variety of relationship and sexuality topics, including LGBTQIA+ and non-monogamous or alternative relationship orientations. I am also versed in the psychology and safety of various kink practices.

    I am certified in CBT and DBT, cognitive approaches designed to create effective outcomes and increase personal agency.

    I am trained and practiced in understanding the mind-body connection, and can provide guidance around increasing joy in and connection with our bodies through mindfulness.

    I have been trained in, and am continually developing, my awareness of systems of oppression, including racial and gender inequities and equitable justice. These theories and realities inform and continue to evolve the work.

    I also trained with young adults and families in distress at an acute psychiatric facility. I have extensive experience working with personality disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression. I have a deep passion for working adolescents, young adults, and the families they are part of.

  • Yes!

    Personality disorders (borderline, narcissism, histrionic, etc…) are incredibly complex and nuanced complexes, and in my opinion are often grossly misunderstood. These symptoms require a high degree of attunement and awareness to work with, and I am intimately familiar with these conditions and have worked with them extensively.

    I see these conditions as defense mechanisms that have been learned to navigate a hostile world. They have served, and may even continue to serve, a purpose of safety in the life of the individual. They exist for a reason, and are unlikely to dissipate until those reasons have been understood.

    My way of working with these symptom clusters (notice I did not call them disorders) is to first address the ways in which the symptoms are causing unwanted and undesired outcomes, and to seek some amount of emotional stability through tactical and practical skills meant to replace the current coping mechanisms. Once a degree of stability has been reached, we dig into understand why these maladaptive coping strategies formed in the first place. What are the underlying causes? Once understood, we work to release the attachment to the story, ease the pain where possible, and always encourage stepping into conscious control and agency through ownership and responsibility of personal actions.

    For those in relationship with a “disordered” personality (family, partnerships, friendships, clinical, etc…), we work to understand the complexities of these symptom clusters in order to increase empathy, and decrease reactivity. We aim to depersonalize the context, and increase emotional stability. We work towards a point of personal stability. From there, we aim to improve boundaries and increase tactical skills for dealing with the maladaptive strategies of the other to improve quality of life for everyone involved. Often, the person who needs the therapy the most is unwilling to go, but that does not mean you are powerless!

    I approach this work with curiosity instead of judgement, and empathy instead of ultimatum. And honestly, I enjoy it!

  • I work best with clients who are ready for the difficult and meaningful work of personal change and empowerment. I also love working with those who feel they have no options but to get better.

    Those who no longer want to keep living the same patterns will find I am ready to walk that path with them.

    Those who are curious for what is possible, and want to live more fully will likely have a great experience working with me. I am progress and solutions oriented.

    Yes, we will absolutely talk about your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions, and your past. This is all part of the process. But we won’t languish there. The goal is to release you from that which holds you back.

    “the way out, is through”. -CG Jung

  • I have a limited number of insurance slots on a variety of panels as part of my dedication to equitable access to mental health. These slots are based on need. Reach out to me if you want to discuss.

    You can read more about how I think about need and insurance in the services section of the website.

    I can also provide a monthly superbill to claim out-of-network benefits with your insurance provider.

    Using insurance to pay for therapy can also have some hidden costs, make sure you check out my blog post for more information.

  • I am dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to high quality mental health services. To make this a reality, I offer a limited number of sliding scale and insurance slots based on need and income.

    I encourage individuals and couples with access to earning potentials above the average to consider paying out of pocket rather than using insurance. By doing so, you support my efforts to provide access to mental health services for those who may not have the same earning opportunities, but who still deserve the same access and level of care.

    I will never ask to verify your income, and am always open to negotiating rates due to life circumstances that may arise.

    If you want to see me as your therapist, but feel cost would be prohibitive, please reach out!

  • I require a minimum of 12 hours advanced notice to cancel a session or a $75 fee will be charged.